And so the search for a new dog food begins. Lizzie, Angelyne, I know you love your Nutro Natural Choice, but they seem to be offenders, too. I know you wouldn't want to live in a cage and be poked and prodded so that other pooches out there can live the high life on pet food that has who-knows-what in it.
I worked from the PETA site, which has a list of companies that do not test on animals.
Searching for a new favorite doggy dinner was a little more entertaining than one would think. I mean, people, come up with some better names! Burns Pet Health? Harbingers of a New Age? Green Tripe?! Though I have to admit I'm a fan of names like PoshNosh and Stella & Chewy's.

Oh, and the neatest thing about Dick's pet food is that if you save up your UPC codes and receipts and send them on in, they'll make a donation to your favorite non-profit animal charity. So he's not only cute, he's cool, too.